Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Information Manual


 About this Manual

 Introduction, How To Use This Workshop Manual

INTRODUCTION The workshop manual has been written in a format that is designed to meet the needs of technicians worldwide. The objective is to provide descriptions for completing diagnosis and testin

 How To Use Diagnosis and Testing Procedures

Inspection and Verification Visual Inspection Charts, Symptom Charts and other information charts (such as diagnostic routines) or supplement test procedures with technical specifications will naviga


 Seat belt checks

Make sure to read and fully understand the relevant warnings before using any of the features in this section. Regularly inspect seat belts for wear and damage. Regularly check for fraying, cuts, or wear to the webbing. Also check the condition and security of the mechanism, buckles, adjusters, an

 Fluid filler locations

Do not start the engine, or drive the vehicle, if leaked fluid could possibly make contact with a hot surface. Any leaked fluid coming into contact with a hot surface, such as the exhaust, could result in combustion. Seek qualified assistance immediately. Always observe and follow the safety preca

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