Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Media shortcut icons

Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before driving the vehicle.

The following media shortcut icon options may be displayed in the media pane:

Search media icon: Touch to search for media within the current source.

Favorites icon: Touch to view the stored favorites list.

Playlist icon: Touch to view the stored playlist.

Play icon: Touch to play the selected media.

Pause icon: Touch to pause the selected media.

Mute icon: When displayed, the volume for the media device is muted. Touch to un-mute.

When any of the following media shortcut icons are displayed, touch the icon to open the source select options:

AM radio icon.

FM radio icon.

Land Rover Defender. Touchscreen home SIRIUS XM radio icon.

Phone media icon.

USB icon.


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before driving the vehicle.

Note: If a phone is not paired to the vehicle, then no icons are displayed on the touchscreen's home menu phone pane.

The following phone shortcut icon options may be displayed in the phone pane:

Swap phone icon: Touch to open and change the phone from the stored list.

Recent calls icon: Touch to view a list of recent calls.

Voicemail icon: When activated, touch to access received voicemails.

Mute icon: Touch to mute the microphone and initiate privacy mode. While selected, the caller cannot hear the conversation.


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before driving the vehicle.

Definitions for the various button taps and touchscreen gestures used in this handbook:


Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before driving the vehicle.


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Make sure the relevant safety warnings and cautions have been read and understood before driving the vehicle. The touchscreen display settings can be adjusted via the quick settings screen. 1. Touch


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