Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Tire pressure check

The vehicle's current tire pressures can be displayed via the Vehicle and Tire information menus.

When selected, the instrument panel displays two tire pressure values for each tire. One value shows the actual tire pressure, the other (in brackets) is the advised inflation pressure.

The advised inflation pressures change, based on ambient conditions and as air temperature within the tires fluctuates during use.

Note: The advised inflation pressures do not necessarily align with the vehicle's pressure label due to warming of the tires through driving and changes in ambient conditions.

Note: Always inflate the tires to the advised inflation pressures displayed in the Tire Pressures menu.

Note: If any of the wheels or tires have been removed, the displayed tire pressures may not be valid. Drive the vehicle for at least 15 minutes in order to re-calibrate the system.

Note: The tire pressure units can be configured to display as either psi, bar, or kPa via the Vehicle and Units menus.


When the vehicle is delivered, the tire pressures are set to those displayed on the tire pressure label.

The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) can be adjusted for Light (comfort) load and Normal load conditions. Adjust the TPMS settings via the Vehicle, Tire information and TPM load setting instrument panel menus.

Note: The vehicle's ignition must be switched on and the vehicle stationary.

Note: When the vehicle's ignition is switched on, the instrument panel displays a message to confirm that the Light load setting is selected. No message is displayed if the Normal load setting is selected.

Adjust the TPMS to suit the vehicle's load.

Land Rover Defender. Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Note: The TPMS setting and tire pressures must correspond with the vehicle's current load.

The vehicle's current tire pressures can be displayed via the Vehicle and Tire information menus.


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