Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Rear seats


 Rear seat safety

Make sure to read and fully understand the relevant warnings before using the features in this section. Failure to observe warnings and cautions may result in vehicle damage, injury, or DEATH in the

 Folding and raising the second row seats

Make sure that you have read and fully understood the relevant warnings before using any of the features in this section. Make sure the locking mechanism is fully engaged when the seatback is raised

 Folding the center seatback

Make sure that you have read and fully understood the relevant warnings before using any of the features in this section. Note: The second row center seat belt incorporates a locking feature. The loc


 Front Row Seatbelt Pretensioner

REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION GENERAL EQUIPMENT REMOVAL WARNINGS: To prevent accidental deployment, you must de-energize the power in the Restraints Control Module (RCM). Wait at least 1 minutes after you disconnect the startup battery ground cable before you do any work on, of adjacent to, the

 Seat Covers

SEAT COVERS - PART NUMBER: 90: VPLES0561 110: VPLES0560, VPLES0562, VPLES0563, VPLES0564 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION WARNING: Accessories which are not correctly installed can be dangerous. Read the instructions carefully prior to installation. Comply with instructions at all times. If in doubt, conta

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